Nowadays, the vast majority of companies have an ERP but few have integrated it with a CMMS
A very effective approach!
But what exactly are the two tools?
An ERP system provides real-time information on all essential processes and facilitates the work of production managers. The company sees a clear improvement in productivity, a reduction in costs, greater flexibility and a simplification of processes.
CMMS enables companies to have a clear overview of the status of their various resources. Teams are aware of all the maintenance actions carried out because such software makes it possible to trace, archive and analyse the number of resources deployed and the physical and material resources used.
For it to be effective, the CMMS must be customised: it must be adapted to the company's internal organisation. This requires training for maintenance teams and subcontractors to learn how to use the tool
These small formalities are nothing compared to the advantages that a CMMS will provide: greatly improved management (handling of production assets, replacement etc.)
And what do you get when you combine the two?
I Better management of spare parts
The combination of ERP and CMMS ensures that the management of spare parts stocks is simplified. All important figures are transmitted by the system to speed up operations.
II Better order management
With this integration, the technician can report a missing part in the asset management software and send an order to the ERP which will notify all relevant employees to facilitate the process
III Improved communication
Data becomes much more accessible between different teams.
IV Optimisation of task planning
Thanks to this function, the maintenance manager can define with precision the frequency of execution of the different tasks
V Constant data exchange
The’interconnection of information systems is a crucial aspect for large companies with several remote sites. By implementing a common information architecture, all the remote constituents of the organisation can exchange the data needed for their business in a simplified and reliable way
Thus, the various sites benefit from a common management of their customer files and commercial information, for example, in order to harmonise their actions.
Thus, as we have just seen, the teamwork of these two software seems to be essential to ensure an efficient management of one's company! However, the choice of software to be used is still a good one . Taking your time and studying the different options is essential before any investment!