Recently, one of the pioneers of BIM in France, Luca Dal Cerro, explained the differences between FM(Facility Management), CMMS (Computerized maintenance management system) and BMS (Building Management System), which are sometimes unclear to the uninitiated in this original article.
A short extract from this relevant article
"When we talk about FM, CMMS, or BMS (Building Management System), we are talking about data that concerns the "life of the building" and in particular its management and operation. Architects working in BIM must now consider the client's interest in the "life cycle management process" of the building. The need for building asset management will become increasingly important in the coming years. The architect's gesture will remain the most important sign of the design phase, but from now on clients will demand that architects think on a larger time scale than that of the pure design-build phase. New professions will surely be created in terms of BIM. The question the client is asking today is: "How will my building age? ". The architect is therefore forced to design with a new perspective that also touches on the "building life cycle" issues. I would find it interesting, for example, if the architect of tomorrow could choose one component rather than another, more for its attributes of longevity and durability than for its aesthetic quality or its price. I think that these topics concerning building management will further evolve the architect's profession: he will have to develop a know-how to produce "beautiful" ...... but "sustainable".
Could you please explain the differences between FM, CMMS and BMS?
These are three parallel processes in the life cycle management of the building after its construction, especially when the building is part of a larger building stock.
FM, or Facility Management, is a way to control the occupancy of buildings as a priority. With FM, it is possible to evaluate, control and modify the occupancy rates of workplaces, or to reduce removals, or to plan preventive maintenance. Above all, it is the discipline that makes it possible to "rationalise" the processes of change in relation to one's occupation.
CMMS is more concerned with the management of maintenance tasks on the building. CMMS issues are nowadays the major concerns of the building manager and the maintenance operator. The objective of CMMS systems is above all to ensure that the building functions properly and safely.
Building Management Systems (BMS) are used to monitor and control equipment. This equipment consists of all the electrical resources of a building, security systems, fire systems, power systems, temperature control systems, etc. BMS systems are more important and more present in large buildings. " (...)
So clear or unclear?